Infra structure and digitalization

Data networks and cybersecurity

As the number of technological solutions connected to data networks increases, the security environment of infrastructure sites changes.

Tietoverkkoa ja energiainfrastruktuuria kaupunkimaisemissa.
Nodeonin asiantuntijoita tietoliikennehommissa

Reliable and secure data networks

The operation of critical infrastructure solutions relies heavily on reliable and secure data networks. This development has recently been accompanied by stricter cybersecurity requirements.

The European Union aims to raise the level of cybersecurity in infrastructure solutions across Europe. This development is driven by recent security policy changes and the ongoing acceleration of digitalization. New requirements have come into effect particularly with the NIS2 Directive, which designates sectors such as energy and transport as critical industries.

Experts in secure data networks

Nodeon has extensive experience in data transfer and cybersecurity solutions for critical infrastructure, smart cities, and mobility environments.

Our expertise focuses on designing networks that account for challenging environmental conditions, network reliability, IoT devices, and cybersecurity requirements. Over the years, we have developed a deep understanding of how to enhance and manage cybersecurity across all levels, from the device level of technical systems to cloud-based solutions.

Our services

We have experience in all stages of infrastructure network design, implementation, and maintenance, from project consulting and preliminary design phases to implementation and network maintenance.

Nodeon’s expertise in data networks and cybersecurity has earned the trust of Finland’s largest contracting companies, cities, and government organizations in major infrastructure projects.

  • Creation of the overall architecture – including data networks and cybersecurity design, as well as system integrations.
  • Utilization of mobile network technologies
  • NB-IoT, LoRaWAN
  • Transmission capacity planning
  • Cybersecurity design
  • Secure cloud solutions (e.g., Azure or AWS)
  • Real-time monitoring and maintenance of the entire infrastructure

Would you like to hear more?

Our experts are happy to discuss your needs further. Contact us!

Juha Teräslahti

Juha Teräslahti

+358 40 621 0403

Our work

Ihmisiä lenkkeilee ja pyöräilee kaupungin keskustassa, taustalla linja-auto

Kuopio develops traffic situational awareness

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Nodeonin suunnitteleman, lumihiutaleen muotoisen valoteoksen esittely Valon kaupunki seminaarissa.

Nodeon is Jyväskylä’s trusted partner in outdoor lighting design

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Nodeonin asiantuntijoita toimistossa

Nodeon contributed to new tunnel guidelines

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Ilmakuva Jyväskylän Lutakon alueesta

Telecommunications play a significant role in future smart cities

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Nodeonin suunnittelijat piirtävät kartalle

Nodeon designs technical solutions for Lahti Southern Ring Road

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Länsimetron liityntäpysäköintialue

From where do people come to the park-and-ride areas?

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konseptikuva tulevaisuuden Hippoksen alueesta

Analyzing traffic flows supports regional development in Jyväskylä

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